5 Tips for Cataract Surgery Recovery | Shoreline Vision

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5 Tips for Cataract Surgery Recovery

Are you thinking about getting a cataract removed? When cataracts stop you from seeing clearly, the benefits of having cataract surgery are almost endless.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common medical procedures in the country, making it one of the safest and most effective. Like most surgical procedures, there is a recovery period, although it is short.

Keep reading for five tips to keep in mind when recovering from cataract surgery.

1. Take It Easy for a Few Days

The cataract surgery procedure usually takes about 10-20 minutes to complete, however, patients should expect the entire appointment to last several hours. Because cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure, you can go home after it is over. Once you return home, you should take the day to relax.

Most patients will begin to see improved vision within a day or two. You may find that your eyes feel more sensitive in the hours and days after the procedure. Take this as an opportunity to relax and rest your eyes.

Schedule a few days off from work, so you do not have to worry about returning before you feel your best. Most patients can return to their everyday tasks within a week following their procedure.

2. Prepare Some Meals Ahead of Time

When your eyes feel more sensitive, it is recommended that you take a break from cooking. Steam rising off a pot or pan as you cook may make your eyes feel irritated.

Think about preparing a few meals ahead of time. You may want to keep a few meals in the freezer or meal prep to make things more convenient. You will likely be ready to cook again a day or two after having your cataracts removed.

3. Remember to Take Your Eye Drops

After your procedure, your eye doctor will prescribe eye drops to aid healing. Eye drops not only prevent infection, they also reduce inflammation.

Make sure to take your eye drops as prescribed for as long as you are told to. Do not stop taking them even if your eyes feel back to normal.

It can be easy to forget them when you are not used to taking eye drops regularly. You may need to take eye drops several times throughout the day in the first week. Writing yourself a sticky note or setting a reminder alarm on your phone can help you stay on schedule.

4. Resist the Urge to Rub Your Eyes

While recovering from cataract surgery, you may experience mild irritation as your eyes heal. During the first day or two after the procedure, your eyes may feel slightly itchy.

While it is a natural response to want to rub your eyes, this can lead to further irritation. Do your best to resist the urge to rub your eyes.

Artificial tears can soothe your eyes, reducing the irritation and helping prevent you from rubbing them. Artificial tears are available over the counter and our eye doctors can make a recommendation on the best ones to try.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is always a good idea, especially when you have any surgical procedure. Water is essential to your body, and your eyes are no different. Your eyes can feel dry and uncomfortable when they lack moisture.

Always keep water within reach so that you can easily stay hydrated. This will help support your eyes as they heal.

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